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The Gunks are the most aggressive of all the factions. Their warriors are feared by everybody for their ruthlessness and pillaging campaigns. The highest form of glory for the Gunks is dying in battle. Able to control battle frenzies and bloodlusts, they charge the enemy and strike like thunder. Their defenses are mainly rudimentary, consisting primarily of palisades and trenches. Security is maintained by putting constant pressure on the enemy with unending attacks. Raiding motivates these warriors and their fast-paced campaigns have made them some of the most seasoned fighters. Gunks have the cheapest troops and their training time is very short. They can also carry more resources then other races, but have the lowest defense. Because the Gunks lack the military discipline and equipment of the Yasuda and Imunabi, they are somewhat slower and less geared than other troops. They are an excellent choice for offensive-minded and experienced players.